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some rich ground (1000bwc)

Started by droqen, June 26, 2023, 03:06:37 PM

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One thousand blank white cards is a creative collaborative engine which I've experienced. It's fun, people like to play and make together


What patterns make it function?
- live interpretation. players can reject broken cards (social contract), often the most powerful cards can be destroyed by other affordances in game, mistakes can be fixed.
- secret mods, simultaneous reveal, equal inequality. Everyone is free to add things!
- solid functional, if dull, core gameplay.
- many overlapping mediums of expression. names, drawings, mechanics. (But: what if we could develop others' additions further? Hmm!)


How to implement live interpretation in a videogame? Veto power during play? Between rounds? ???
It's important that a thing gets to be played out once, we all get to experience and react to it.


Modular nature: allow individuals to create and submit a whole complete "aspect" that is not a tiny component but which can really be front and center at least for a little while. In a board game when a single card is played everyone stops and takes it in, this is crucial


MULE does this well, although perhaps only out of some technical limitation haha

In my case, how to justify a singular locus of collective attention?