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Active Projects / Re: first moon's reflections
Last post by droqen - June 01, 2024, 03:50:35 PM
from yesterday, Animal Crossing Day

- what happened yesterday? i think i fell for animal crossing new horizons . . . i mean, i discovered the feeling of enjoying island life. some of the game stuff gets in the way. other game stuff helps. it's a soup.

realization today, now

there are two types of memory streams... i like recording memories, because they feel very slippery. that's a very different thing from giving form and shape to some kind of artifact. a story, or an article, or a game, or something else. that's a particular act. hmm. i mix the two together and i'd like to keep them separate somehow. somehow. different places. the forum isn't so good for that!
Active Projects / Re: first moon's reflections
Last post by droqen - June 01, 2024, 07:42:33 AM
damn, the moon is waning fast
Active Projects / Re: first moon's reflections
Last post by droqen - June 01, 2024, 07:42:04 AM
from yesterday, when
Iife slows

- chatted with Kat, reconnected with tigsource and the old indie spirit

- began work on yet another a new project, "still life," under some foolish assumption that i could simply make a game out of a character controller and static objects & obstacles; adding a dynamic pathfinding entity felt sacrilegious.

- late, played some games.

- still worked on Dalyoon's Throne too.
Active Projects / Re: first moon's reflections
Last post by droqen - May 31, 2024, 07:10:12 PM
from yesterday, a social community minded thursday

- met with the workshop folks at InterAccess, was an interesting experience of being in touch with people again! a lot of talking. people do so love to talk.

- got pulled down a minor rabbithole then thinking about online games and communities

- really really thought about my letter, What Do We Want To Get Points For? or maybe that was today? ah, the risks of waiting too long.

- the moon did so splinter. i am not cut out to be a one project type of droqen. i work on multitudes and the reason to use a forum is to maintain coherent localized trains of thought!

- played Among Us late at night, then slept.

- who am i?
PROCEDURES / Re: Doing one thing a day
Last post by droqen - May 30, 2024, 08:23:10 PM
P.P.S. It's very important to note that finishing something that I started yesterday does not give me the good feeling of doing a thing. I won't say that it has to be something new because it doesn't, but 'keeping my word' so to speak is not enough. Following through is a good habit, but is not the root of my "doing a thing"-type satisfaction.
PROCEDURES / Re: Doing one thing a day
Last post by droqen - May 30, 2024, 08:21:23 PM
Anyway, I'll cut to the chase. My trick, which I'll state despite a fear that speaking its name will cause it to dissolve, is to do work with the spirit of seeing/creating the meaning in it, and also to think in discrete terms, even arbitrarily and too discrete terms, of 'doing one thing' and to let myself feel satisfied with doing one thing.

This is where the droqever of it all comes in: I want to do one thing every day. That's my goal. If it's 9PM and I haven't "done a thing," then I usually have a 'thing' available to me that I have, for whatever reason, not been doing. So I will do it, even if it means I stay up until 3AM doing it. On the other hand, if it's noon and I've "done a thing" already, then I'll try to remind myself (gently) that I've already done my thing today. On the other other hand, actually forcing myself to get something done too early can have dire consequences. This isn't a game to minmax. If I treat it that way it's easy to trick myself into doing something that feels like it "should count" rather than something that genuinely satisfies.

There is something very reliable about this psychologically. For me, that is. As I say in my EGW 2024 talk, this is a process which I've developed for myself and for my brain's functional patterns. It is not general purpose advice, but operational instructions for my particular appliance.

P.S. Even as I write this of course I'm doing more than one thing in a day, but as I attune myself to the feeling of "doing a thing," I can tell that I've "done a thing" today and I could stop right away and feel very happy and satisfied, especially knowing that I'm currently operating under the influence of this habit and that tomorrow I'll get to feel this way again. That's really helpful for achieving the union of [Feeling good] and [Getting enough sleep]: I'm going to bed with trust in my heart regarding tomorrow-droqen's actions.
PROCEDURES / Re: Doing one thing a day
Last post by droqen - May 30, 2024, 08:11:14 PM
This resonated.
Recently . . . I felt like I could sleep well, but I was also kind of sad, and I was spending a lot of time mired in theory. Then I started to do things again, similar to droqever but without the constant self-imposed pressure to release something every damn day. It's started to become really good, tapping into my droqen @ EGW 2024 talk... the important part is not doing something productive every day, but the other part, the feeling that every day is not wasted. If I am going to make or do something on a given day, I have to

1. BELIEVE that it is actually valuable/worthwhile to do in the long run
2. DO THE WORK to ensure that it is, or at least has a reasonable chance of becoming, actually valuable/worthwhile to do in the long run

These things are c l e a r l y   r e l a t e d.
One part of this is... understanding what it is that I value.
The other part of this is putting in the work to have justified faith that I will follow up and create/find that value.

Something else gate said, which maybe I should not quote because it was in a private Discord (PARADISE) but I'll do it and if he wants it taken down (hi gate) then he can tell me:

Quote from: gate88, again. . . meaning isn't inherent -- it's assigned
i'm my happiest when i'm assigning meaning to things, rather than searching for meaning
. . . i do have to believe the meaning on like some deeper level than just choosing
but also i don't think meaning is imbued in certain things and not in others
PROCEDURES / Doing one thing a day
Last post by droqen - May 30, 2024, 08:04:27 PM
Quote from: @GateEightyEight. . . if i'm happy i stay up too late bc stuff interests me, and if i'm sad i stay up too late to try to find the joy that i felt i was denied during the day. i basically only get enough sleep when i'm unenthused about life.
~ tweet
Active Projects / Re: first moon's reflections
Last post by droqen - May 30, 2024, 09:26:27 AM
from yesterday, a day of differentiated processes

- further terraforming Pit, but specifically working on (and finishing!) the swamp zone.
- tbt games.
- a design solution to a design problem in the spellcasting game. player still trapped in this one screen, but things are interactive, and in particular interacted with via text.
    - wrote a small newforum post about it: Solving Problems
    - "Problems must be solved in order."
- "WE ARE THE MEANING MAKERS". something about what gate88 said... making meaning...