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Messages - droqen

appliances and housework? / WASHING THE FLOOR
September 18, 2024, 02:15:27 PM
1. Sweep dust out of corners and stuff.
Use the brush and dustpan.
Remember these unintuitive dust spots:
- On top of the under bed bins (unrelated, but since you're already there)
- sliding door grooves

2. Use the microfibre broom attachment to dust everywhere, especially along the walls

3. Wash the floor in sections, no need to rinse or dry.
appliances and housework? / Re: WASHING MACHINE CYCLES
September 18, 2024, 01:37:28 PM
For dishcloths
Uses more power than other cycles due to hot
Use "normal" (non cold water) detergent
appliances and housework? / WASHING MACHINE CYCLES
September 18, 2024, 01:36:30 PM
Various washing machine cycle settings
Put rice in casserole dishes and pour all a dat goopy red shit on top.
10. Fried Rice
This one is simple for me.
Cook the rice, you know what you're doing.
Possibly do it in two batches in order to avoid overflow.

1. Cut Veg
Slice 1 onion into thin wedges.
Slice 2 tomatoes into bite-size wedges.

2. Handle Raw Meat (Cut, Marinate)
Slice 500g chicken into shreds
Marinate chicken with 2tsp soy sauce, 1 tsp sugar, 2tsp corn starch.
Mix well, add 2tsp oil, mix again.

(2b. Wash Knife, Cutting Board, Hands)

3. Red sauce + Homemade ketchup
Combine 6tbsp tomato paste, 6tbsp ketchup, 2tbsp white vinegar, 2tbsp soy sauce, 4tsp sugar. Mix well and set aside.
Combine 8.5tbsp tomato paste, 3.5tbsp white vineager, 2tbsp soy sauce, 3.5tbsp sugar use a bit less, 3 tbsp?. Perhaps bring to a boil, simmer a bit.

4. Slurry
Combine 2tbsp corn starch with 4tbsp water.

5. Partially cook chicken
Heat pan or wok to medium-high, add 4tbsp oil.
Cook chicken in one layer. (Maybe do this in two batches.)
1 minute on first side, 45 seconds on other side.
Remove chicken, it does not need to be cooked through yet.

6. Cook onions
Put onions in and cook for 1 minute

7. Red sauce
To pan with onions in it:
Add prepared tomato sauce & ketchup.
Add partially cooked chicken.
Add 2cups chicken stock.
Cover with lid.
Bring to a boil.

8. Thicken.
Stir in the slurry while mixing.
Mix until sauce thickens.
Taste test.

9. Red sauce with tomatoes.
Add tomatoes (sliced)
Cover with lid and cook on low heat for 10 minutes.

6oz tomato paste (that's 12tbsp, or 3/4c)
1/2c light corn syrup (nope)
1/2c white vinegar
1/4c water (nope)
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp onion pwdr
1/8 tsp garlic pwdr

-> how to reduce this to yield 6 tbsp of the stuff?

Approx ratio:

3 parts tomato paste : 2.5 parts sugar : 2 parts white vinegar : bit of salt

Then you're supposed to bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes. There's probably a reason to include the water... hmm... OK, applying this to my red sauce recipe.

To get 6tbsp ketchup (without simmering) I'd just kind of wing it with 2 1/2 tbsp tomato paste, 2 tbsp sugar, 1 1/2 tbsp white vinegar, and a bit of salt.
Source https://auntieemily.com/yin-yang-fried-rice/

Ingredients for fried rice:
5 c Cooked rice (currently trying 2 cups rice, 2 cups water)
3 Large eggs
1 tsp Salt
3 tbsp Oil

Ingredients for red sauce (DOUBLE ALL):
250 g Chicken , sliced into shreds
1 tsp Light soy sauce for chicken marinade
½ tsp Sugar for chicken marinade
1 tsp Corn starch for chicken marinade
1 tsp Oil for chicken marinade
½ Onion , thin sliced wedges
1 Medium tomato , wedges
3 tbsp Tomato paste
3 tbsp Ketchup (I would like to replace this part of the recipe since I don't have ketchup but I do have all the other ingredients!)
1 tbsp White vinegar
1 tbsp Light soy sauce
2 tsp Sugar
250 ml Chicken broth
1 tbsp Corn starch for slurry
2 tbsp Water for slurry
2 tbsp Oil
This is the question ringing in my mind. Suppose a game invites us to strive to do something. What should we choose to strive for?
What is it that you care about enough to cry over it?
Maybe you shouldn't care about the outcome of the game that much, is what I'm hearing. Spilling milk is an accident, playing video games is on purpose. If you stopped caring about the outcome, perhaps you wouldn't play it. I think a lot of people have trouble differentiating the act of playing to win from the act of playing. And actually there is significant well written and well regarded literature on exactly that topic.

(The Grasshopper, for one.)
When you really care about something, you cry.

If the game makes you so sad, maybe you shouldn't play it.

Don't cry over spilled milk.
There's this saying. "Don't cry over spilled milk." This various author's dad seems to be saying the opposite... If it makes you cry, don't spill it? lol. No, even that isn't right.

But maybe the dad sees his kid spilling milk on purpose and crying about it. Don't do that thing that makes you sad.

Spilling milk would be a stupid thing to do on purpose. No, even that isn't right. But it's kind of... meaningless? If someone told me they found a lot of meaning in spilling milk, I'd have a hard time believing them.
I'm thinking about this quote:

QuoteMy dad pointed out that if the game made me so sad, maybe I shouldn't play it. I don't resent that comment, but to this day it boggles my mind. Once at karate class a girl cried after taking her brown-belt test. She had done well, and passed, but she cried a lot. I commented that I thought it was because she was young, but my sensei (Gilbert Chung, 6th Dan) stopped me and said "When you really care about something, you cry. That she's crying shows me she's care about karate."