A letter in response to jack's "worlds of time (https://letterclub.games/2024/06/10/worlds-of-time/)."
abstractness is capable of, or makes us capable of, seeing things in something closer to their pure and timeless form without the distraction of mere coincidental connections du jour.
this is not some unambiguous good, but it is something i love, whatever consequences may come.
the final sentence of the epilogue of dreyfus & kelly's all things shining is: "all things are not shining, but all the shining things are."
i have made it through to the other side.
does it go the other way? i wrote to someone, once, that games do help me make sense of the world, and i think part of that is a beautiful illusion. some part must be true, though, too. if a videogame allows me to isolate some very small, very abstract part of reality, and gives me a deep understanding of what that part is, in itself, as isolated from everything else...
do i gain something?
Quotejack, worlds of time (https://letterclub.games/2024/06/10/worlds-of-time/)
. . . an energy to do these things, and if it wasn't puzzle games, it would be something else, something else I felt a need to organize. . . . puzzles are continuing to reveal clarity in forms to me that feel true in the largest way, in a way that does give me new perspective on my interactions with my world. They are just very, very abstract.
Quoteall our hidden gifts (https://newforum.droqen.com/index.php?msg=4143)
It doesn't fall out of my brain . . . It sticks, like song lyrics. Like poetry. Like feelings I already had but finally have a map for.