droqen's forum-shaped notebook

DevLogs => Things That Have Happened => Topic started by: droqen on July 17, 2024, 09:32:02 PM

Title: July 17 - Boids project - bidirectional fitting
Post by: droqen on July 17, 2024, 09:32:02 PM
Title: Re: July 17 - Boids project - bidirectional fitting
Post by: droqen on July 17, 2024, 09:35:19 PM
- boids avoider core game
- space navigator metagame, from a latent center
- at this point the structure serves the core game
- but i have just had the realization that this fit must go the other way too:
- how can the core game, the original center, be moulded to fit and serve the structure?
- as well, how can the structure become a stronger center itself?
- the subservient center must come into its own
- with my help.
Title: Re: July 17 - Boids project - bidirectional fitting
Post by: droqen on July 17, 2024, 09:50:29 PM
me attempt to describe to zeigfreid via discord (10:50PM)
Quotei'm working on boids game
there's a thing that seemed very obvious to add to the core game of playing boids
i'll just call that Game B
at the time i added it, it was subsidiary to Game A, call it an A-strengthening transformation
i was working on the whole thing and poking and tweaking things and then i was like, oh,  OH,  Game B is its own center, i can't only be thinking about Game A all the time
i need to make Game B stronger too. stronger in itself, but also... Game A needs to change, so that it strengthens Game B in turn
this mental shift was huge