my mind is very full of things that don't always make sense. they don't fit together, they slip through the cracks. there was a thought i had long ago about the writing of Christopher Alexander which is that a lot of it did not feel like new information (though certainly there was lots of that);
here is the only place i wrote it down: - the trap, the signpost (https://newforum.droqen.com/index.php?msg=1739): "An X is a way to organize thoughts. It's a shelf that indicates relationships between things, which explains what things are for."
from All Our Hidden Gifts (https://newforum.droqen.com/index.php?msg=4143), p26, regarding tarot cards:
QuoteIt doesn't fall out of my brain the minute I move on to something different, like school stuff does. It sticks, like song lyrics. Like poetry. Like feelings I already had but finally have a map for.
"Like feelings I already had but finally have a map for." That's what I want to make. The maps.
I want to make them for myself as well as for others. They work with the one material (https://newforum.droqen.com/index.php?topic=780.0). They are the most important thing in the world, directly because of this relationship that they have with the one material, which is the only thing there is.
I think that games make terrible maps, and gameplay (https://newforum.droqen.com/index.php?topic=796.0) is one component of what makes them unsuitable for this purpose.
Others may value other functions of games and their gameplay, but I do not very much. And through my own value matrix, they are quickly losing value to me, even as I wish they would not. Gameplay is compelling but I have to see clearly, uncompelled, to navigate properly. A good map lets you navigate something else with clarity. Games require or encourage you to navigate, first, themselves.