when initially invited to give a 15 minute talk at Bonus Stage -- an event i have never been to -- i couldn't think of anything but "kill gameplay", but i knew immediately that i could not give a kill gameplay talk.
a few other ideas floated around in mind; killing of the quiet & undiscovered country?; my little project, 'the end of gameplay'?; some others, probably.
after a shower this evening i found i was comfortable and confident with the plan of talking about this 'art therapy' thing that's been on my mind for a while, a 'new' lens on games-as-art. an understanding of games as an expressive art form.
anyway, i'll note things down here as i make progress, but my process will pretty much go like this
1. loose, loose, loose outline of points i wanna hit
2. record myself ranting on the topic, hitting the points
3. examine the recording, notice problems in my speaking, fix them
4. repeat until i have to actually give the talk.
ideally i do 2+3 once daily. it's not hard, i'll just go outside and talk to my phone. it'll be good!
talk about my other art forms too! poetry. show pics or videos of games that i found expressive for myself. oh, talk about 'a polaroid of space'! escaping games-as-programming-exercise, or games-as-innovation... don't focus too much on the things you're escaping from but just bring them up enough as a point of reference.