droqen's forum-shaped notebook

DevLogs => Active Projects => Topic started by: droqen on January 11, 2025, 10:02:35 PM

Title: Games-as-art-therapy talk for Bonus Stage (Jan 21, "what do you think")
Post by: droqen on January 11, 2025, 10:02:35 PM
Title: Re: Games-as-art-therapy talk for Bonus Stage (Jan 21, "what do you think")
Post by: droqen on January 11, 2025, 10:06:26 PM
when initially invited to give a 15 minute talk at Bonus Stage -- an event i have never been to -- i couldn't think of anything but "kill gameplay", but i knew immediately that i could not give a kill gameplay talk.

a few other ideas floated around in mind; killing of the quiet & undiscovered country?; my little project, 'the end of gameplay'?; some others, probably.

after a shower this evening i found i was comfortable and confident with the plan of talking about this 'art therapy' thing that's been on my mind for a while, a 'new' lens on games-as-art. an understanding of games as an expressive art form.

anyway, i'll note things down here as i make progress, but my process will pretty much go like this

1. loose, loose, loose outline of points i wanna hit

2. record myself ranting on the topic, hitting the points

3. examine the recording, notice problems in my speaking, fix them

4. repeat until i have to actually give the talk.

ideally i do 2+3 once daily. it's not hard, i'll just go outside and talk to my phone. it'll be good!
Title: Re: Games-as-art-therapy talk for Bonus Stage (Jan 21, "what do you think")
Post by: droqen on January 11, 2025, 10:07:55 PM
talk about my other art forms too! poetry. show pics or videos of games that i found expressive for myself. oh, talk about 'a polaroid of space'! escaping games-as-programming-exercise, or games-as-innovation... don't focus too much on the things you're escaping from but just bring them up enough as a point of reference.