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Topics - droqen

Active Projects / DDC (droqen design consultancy)
January 13, 2025, 07:23:47 PM
[ A. i'm interested in therapy and art therapy, but i am a game designer and not a trained or certified psychotherapist; i've got some strong opinions about conversations about game design, and i think people enjoy having these conversations with me, in some part related to this interest of mine.

  B. perhaps i can offer good conversations about game design that are aligned with my therapy-inspired values, and informed by the good practices of therapists as i have seen them; if i discover these conversations are valued enough, then i can make a little business of it. ]

*also, i had a conversation with my therapist today that allowed me to perceive this role not as having the responsibility of finishing or helping to finish things -- which i find frustrating when the control is not in my hands -- but instead as a perpetual sounding board, someone there to assist in another person's ongoing process of being creative, and alive.

I had a realization this morning about working in teams.
Tenets / There are only two types of decisions.
January 03, 2025, 01:59:57 AM
Decisions with a right answer.

Decisions with no right answer.
Active Projects / kill gameplay
January 02, 2025, 03:39:16 AM
Close reading / Pixeladay's Director's Commentary 2024
January 01, 2025, 02:59:47 PM


(director's commentary on video containing droqen & sylvie interviews, 14:00-)
Close reading / Fluxus Manifesto
December 26, 2024, 08:21:08 PM
Re: George Maciunas'
"Fluxus Manifesto"
(or "Manifesto" as titled on original piece)
Tenets / i want to make the maps.
December 17, 2024, 01:27:22 PM
Tenets / kill gameplay.
December 17, 2024, 01:12:12 PM
"kill gameplay." how many times have i said this specific phrase, or pointed the 'gameplay' finger at something in a derogatory context? "that's gameplay," i said knowingly, irritatingly. it's a bad habit, maybe.
Close reading / All Our Hidden Gifts
December 17, 2024, 01:02:25 PM
re: Caroline O'Donoghue's
"All Our Hidden Gifts"
Primordial soup / on hollering "kill gameplay"
December 13, 2024, 01:15:55 AM
on bluesky maggie wrote, "i think something that doesn't resonate with me is the idea that doing something beacuse of a system or preexisting action, particularly one made to convey meaning by another human, is an inherently bad thing"

and i'm wondering if i agree with this depiction of my position... and, then, supposing it is a good interpretation of my position, how should i feel about my own actions?

in particular, hollering "kill gameplay," "kill gameplay," "kill gameplay."

this is some kind of system, some kind of action, made to convey meaning. are others 'doing something because of' it? such power words have. how can i be impeccable with them? am i being impeccable when i holler

"kill gameplay,"
"kill gameplay,"
"kill gameplay,"

Active Projects / a new art form.
December 07, 2024, 01:34:25 AM
- i appreciate things being online, myself. they are accessible.
- i don't want to host things online. how annoying! (but neither is it the end of the world; i do it already, you see.)
- a shuffle button.
- a diary.
- intepretation of art: guides? trails, through the forest.
- there is only one material.
- pixel art
- music?
- videos?
- anything at all, anything, anything, anything.
- text, of course. text is obvious.
- anything.
Tenets / art should not seek to be interesting
December 04, 2024, 03:55:07 PM

Re: Taylor Troesh's

"The Timeless Way of Software"
December 02, 2024, 09:06:48 AM
embroidery floss is not the material
old english shakespeare is not the material
videogame mechanics are not the material
play is not the material
no kind of paint is the material
the impeccable word is not the material
poetry is not the material
film is not the material
merino is not the material
hello chocolate my old friend
Close reading / The Four Agreements
November 24, 2024, 12:24:16 PM
Re Don Miguel Ruiz'
"The Four Agreements"