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Messages - droqen

Close reading / Re: The Dispossessed
August 03, 2022, 08:19:38 PM
Quote from: p112The social conscience, the opinion of others, was the most powerful moral force motivating the behaviour of most Anarresti, but it was a little less powerful in him than in the rest of them. So many of his problems were of a kind other people did not understand that he had got used to working them out for himself, in silence. So he did with the problems, which were much harder for him, in some ways, than those of temporal physics. He asked no one's opinion.
Primordial soup / Digital Papers
August 03, 2022, 07:26:53 PM
archiving my emails will never feel as good as shuffling around papers.
Close reading / Re: Bored And Brilliant
August 03, 2022, 07:34:20 AM
Quote from: p91In 2007, Couchsurfing, a precursor site to Airbnb, [..] measured success in the "net positive hours that were created between two people's lives." [..] By Couchsurfing's calculus, the time two people initially spent searching profiles, sending messages, and setting up a stay on the Web site was factored as a negative, because "they didn't view that as a contribution to people's lives." That time was therefore subtracted from the original gains.

Quote"if you surrender to the default setting of the world, they are designed to take advantage of you. Everything requires vigilance..

Quotes from Tristan Harris
Close reading / Re: Web of Make Believe
August 02, 2022, 11:05:11 PM
E02. Murder in DC

This was a miserable fucking episode. More than anything else it makes me hate self-aggrandizing liars.
Primordial soup / Gaming as secular activity
August 02, 2022, 07:16:38 AM
Quote> You don't consider gaming a hobby?

> I see it as a secular activity that has little application elsewhere. The skills or connections you build end when you turn off the console. I'm looking for something more concrete.

> I disagree. If you played starcraft, you would learn coordination, resource management, time management, multitasking. If you played RPGs, it would teach you new words that you wouldn't otherwise see. But yeah judge them all you want. "Secular."

This is an interesting exchange. I feel lately like I can tell the difference between a thing I'm consuming for pleasure and a thing that helps me to grow. Why do I engage in an activity, or with a work? I'm really enjoying reading The Dispossessed right now, but certainly some of my interaction with it is 'unnecessary' in the way that grinding in an RPG is secular, is a thing that ends when you turn off the console.

I wonder how responsible decades of processing/analyzing gameplay is for making me a system nihilist.
Close reading / Re: Web of Make Believe
August 01, 2022, 11:02:19 PM
Therapy is about getting better, right? Not just feeling better for a bit
Close reading / Re: Web of Make Believe
August 01, 2022, 11:00:34 PM
E01. Death by SWAT

Quote from: Francis FinchI like [videogaming] because it takes me out of the world.
It takes me into my own mindset.
I have full control of everything that I do.
I can do whatever I want within the parameters of that game.
I can go beat the shit out of somebody, over and over and over again.
And then I'm not angry anymore.
I feel as if it's a therapy for me.
It's not something that I do just for fun.
It keeps me from thinking about the situation, pretty much.
[I forgot to write down the last bit - but he says he can't do anything about his situation. There's nothing he can do about it. But in games, he can do something about it, and "That's pretty cool"]

I don't like this. It's not... up to me to decide what people should do with their lives, and this is a goddamn tragic scenario. But is coping the same as therapy? I don't know.
Close reading / Re: Web of Make Believe
August 01, 2022, 10:57:45 PM
p.s. this is, i think, my first time putting a film or show in 'close reading' but i really really just had to capture this one quote and my thoughts on it.
Close reading / Web of Make Believe
August 01, 2022, 10:57:17 PM
Regarding Brian Knappenberger's (and others')
"Web of Make Believe"
Close reading / Re: Bored And Brilliant
August 01, 2022, 11:34:11 AM
Quote from: p65, uncredited monks, nuns. via PangWhy is it that you think technologies are any more distracting than your own mind or anything else in the world?
Close reading / Re: Bored And Brilliant
August 01, 2022, 11:30:10 AM
Quote from: p62, Dr. Alex Soojung-Kim PangSmartphones behave like a four-year-old child. Their default is set to alert you to absolutely everything. [..] When they want your attention, they want it right now. They have no sense of social boundaries, that there are times when it's okay to interrupt you and there are times when it's not.
Close reading / Re: Bored And Brilliant
August 01, 2022, 11:20:47 AM
Quote from: p59, Sherry Turkleconversation is supposed to be with another person who can remember the previous conversation. Conversation happens because there is history and empathy.
Close reading / Bored And Brilliant
August 01, 2022, 11:20:07 AM
Regarding Manoush Zomorodi's
"Bored And Brilliant"
I was playing a friend's (we'll call my friend "M") tabletop roleplaying game in which our characters are (mechanically) comprised of key words or phrases produced during character creation, which as players we get bonuses for displaying through our actions. That's not a great description, so I'll give some examples.

My character grew up in the "Science Bulkhead" of a space vessel, and so had the key word or phrase "Science Bulkhead." This type of system can be seen in many other games, for example FATE has aspects and tags, and to my knowledge Lancer has something similar, where each additional feature of your mech that you bring into a description gives you some type of accumulating +1 bonus.

I've always thought about this as kind of silly, like as a player you're narratively coming up with contrived ways to weave these keywords etc. into your descriptions of things in order to harvest that sweet sweet mechanical bonus. Some of the only examples I've really enjoyed are in Burning Wheel, where you give your character three Instincts that if you can trigger to get into trouble (the example given in the book is "I draw my sword at the first sign of danger", so if you draw your sword at an inappropriate time when perhaps the danger is social in nature rather than violent) you are rewarded with a bit of meta-currency. (The meta-currency might actually be called fate, which is funny in this context).

Anyway, back to M's game.

My friend "J" was playing with us, and J's character had the key word or phrase, "Dreamless." Now, when J gave their character this word, it was with the intent to figure it out as we went along. I didn't realize until we did our post-game debrief that it was an interesting challenge, which was a nice way to recontextualize my stodgy "oh boo this is a contrived narrative." The whole narrative is something we're inventing! So, ever since that game I've been thinking about how much of roleplaying can be contextualized as inventing creative limitations for the self, to challenge one's own, and each other's, ability to... well, roleplay. To tell a collaborative story.

Of course lately I have loved looking at everything through the lens of "Trying something impossible, failing, and appreciating what comes of failure," so you can see that this biases me towards a perspective like this!

My takeaway: When inventing a character for a roleplaying game, of course play something I think I can do, but sprinkle in some beautiful challenges for myself and for the others at the table. Can we together tell a story that contains a character who is dreamless?

It should go without saying that I am also thinking about this in the context of my artistic practice, if you'd allow me to refer to it as such.

Introduce an aspirational idea like "Dreamless" and work towards it.

Promise to resolve an idea that seems impossible right now -- don't try to deal with it right away, because if you can, you haven't chosen an idea impossible enough... and if you can't (and you shouldn't!), you'll only frustrate yourself. Wait for the moment to reveal itself.
Replaced 25% of sugar in dry mix w rice flour - worked fine
* Should try introducing sugar syrup more slowly for stiffer merengue
Pistachio flavour shells - try using pistachio flour instead of almond

Temperature: doing two racks at once is fine. Top rack needs to be left a couple minutes longer (2?) after the bottom has been taken out, also stagger their positioning for our oven specifically.

Preheat oven to 345 F

Put in two trays of macarons at once, staggered positioning - top rack to right, bottom rack to left

Set oven down to 320 F once macarons are in.

At 12 min, remove bottom tray only.
2 min later (at 14 min), remove top tray.