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Reply guy droqen / Re: all things are not playful...
Last post by droqen - July 24, 2024, 05:45:14 PM
so who started it all?
surely not me
nor J, or E,
nor S (whether 1 or 11)

the road that we took
took us all
all the same
the same way
way before
before heaven

or — as I said once —
heaven (2).
Reply guy droqen / Re: all things are not playful...
Last post by droqen - July 24, 2024, 05:40:49 PM
there M, and M (2), and M (3) too
— and M (4) (but we don't talk anymore) —
were all shiny and too faced
the mirror along
with W, X, and U.
Reply guy droqen / Re: all things are not playful...
Last post by droqen - July 24, 2024, 05:36:54 PM
G and — what's-his-letter — and S and K (3)
followed K — that's K (1) — in the first place
then all that remained was to follow after A
and before i knew Z it was that time of day
Reply guy droqen / all things are not playful, bu...
Last post by droqen - July 24, 2024, 05:32:37 PM
it was D & K who showed me the way
though B raised the curtain
and F clambered through
oh and i couldn't have done it without K (2)'s map
or — i could've but i wouldn't have
known to.
Things That Have Happened / Re: July 17 - Boids project - ...
Last post by droqen - July 17, 2024, 09:50:29 PM
me attempt to describe to zeigfreid via discord (10:50PM)
Quotei'm working on boids game
there's a thing that seemed very obvious to add to the core game of playing boids
i'll just call that Game B
at the time i added it, it was subsidiary to Game A, call it an A-strengthening transformation
i was working on the whole thing and poking and tweaking things and then i was like, oh,  OH,  Game B is its own center, i can't only be thinking about Game A all the time
i need to make Game B stronger too. stronger in itself, but also... Game A needs to change, so that it strengthens Game B in turn
this mental shift was huge
Things That Have Happened / Re: July 17 - Boids project - ...
Last post by droqen - July 17, 2024, 09:35:19 PM
- boids avoider core game
- space navigator metagame, from a latent center
- at this point the structure serves the core game
- but i have just had the realization that this fit must go the other way too:
- how can the core game, the original center, be moulded to fit and serve the structure?
- as well, how can the structure become a stronger center itself?
- the subservient center must come into its own
- with my help.
Things That Have Happened / July 17 - Boids project - bidi...
Last post by droqen - July 17, 2024, 09:32:02 PM
Close reading / Re: Caroline Winkler's "Design...
Last post by droqen - July 17, 2024, 02:06:27 PM
"I'm going to describe a room to you. I'm not going to show it to you, I'm just going to describe it to you."

"[Based on just the] description I'd be like ... I hate it! That's so hideous! But now let's look at this image. This is one of the most beautiful inspo images I've seen online recently."

"My point is ... when you're relaying a vision to something, know that other people can't see the vision; if someone explained this vision to me I'd be like, 'try again!' but this is so stunningly beautiful ... whether you're designing a space or you're trying to broadcast the dream business that you want to start ... it is so hard for anyone who's not living in your head to be able to see your vision the same way you do. They're not in your head, they can't see the vision."

[9:23 - 11:26]
Close reading / Re: Caroline Winkler's "Design...
Last post by droqen - July 17, 2024, 02:05:29 PM
Close reading / Caroline Winkler's "Design Gam...
Last post by droqen - July 17, 2024, 02:00:54 PM
Regarding Caroline Winkler's