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manifesto -- art reveals ways of being human

Started by droqen, September 25, 2024, 09:35:40 PM

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my new understanding of art
to be an artist or to appreciate it
     our shared mental mass, a synchronization, a reassociation
to associate

remember each way in which you have been yourself and forgotten
remember each way in which another person is themselves
and forgotten
remember each way in which every person will be every person and forgotten
in time lost


i have a new understanding of what it means to say "we are one"
it is aspirational
regardless of whether it is true or not it is aspirational
to say we are one is to say it is virtuous to believe that we are one
it is virtuous and good and right to seek to see us as one
our theoretical oneness is a guidinglight
towarsds what is good in this world and in this life

we are one.


i am interested in the waysin which creative work reveals our humanity, lets us be human, lets us remember to be human, lets us remember what it was to be human so that we can remember and discover and maintain what it is to be human,

remember being a child, remember your old friends, the ones you lost along the way, your fears, your stupid childish fears, the silly things you were afraid of that you aren't afraid of anymore. don't think of yourself as above that child. think of yourself as every version of yourself, as still fundamentally capable of being each and every one of those versions of yourself.

you don't have to be them, all of them at once, or any particular one, but the more of them you know the larger you are, the more personhood you are in touch with.

the more you are one the more we are one.


being creative is not about having new ideas it is about being.