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games for droqen, games for getting better, games to impress someone

Started by droqen, July 31, 2024, 09:21:19 AM

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A shadow on a smooth dirt path connecting street to street
Its human shape with eyes and mouth and arms and legs and teeth
Its shape like mine I thought in passing watching it as it watched me
Its face unseen I shook my head and said it couldn't be.


When you wrote letters for your parents living far away
They cut them into ribbons and confetti day by day
When they wrote back, their words ascramble, you knew anyway
What their nonsense words meant or just what they meant to say.


The lifted work of art put on a pedestal by them
Can just as well be taken down at any moment when
It suits the suits machine which operates to turn the earth
Unfurled the suits with their machine know nothing of their birth.


The end of everything and everyone and everywhere
The falling crashing crumbling, the end of here and there
The ending of it all cannot be seen a sad affair
There's no-one left to weep or to solemnify the air.


Design a crypt in which to bury secrets of the dead
Beautiful revelatory things that ghosts have said
Install the hundred traps without asking questions why
And if a few of them break down, so be it, let them die.

Let out your own few secret pains in ink and blood and code
Unassuming machinations know just where they go
Bleed a little more than the good maker really should
Be a little self-indulgent as you cut the wood

Be a little more.