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Mask of the Rose

Started by droqen, September 29, 2024, 06:58:06 PM

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Playing Mask of the Rose


Wanting to note narrative structure, Galatea, and a plethora of connections with the larger truth.


I'm enjoying the interactiveness! The mechanics feel very loose and emotional in a great way. This hat might affect how this person perceives me, I get new expressive options as a result of my clothing, and I've just been presented with an additional "storycrafting" gameplay system which seems very responsive to action and authorship.


That said. That all said.

I don't know if these avenues of expression are expressive enough? Am I choosing to explore some wonderful facet of my self? Not exactly. Much of the time it feels more removed than that. I am exploring these other characters in the world, for sure, but the clothing is a way to navigate them, not myself.

It's practical exploration, not expression.

Or maybe that's not the problem, I don't know. I'll certainly dwell on this. Do i wish the aspects allowed me to explore a specific character who I am rather than more iconic, broad 'roles'? Do i just not relate to these identities I'm being presented with?


Damn! Damn damn damn. I can feel it coming: that inevitable feeling of path exploring. As the player I am not living in this world, I am merely turning the nose of a ship towards one prescribed path, or another...

How can I change my perspective?

How can I look at these constructed living worlds in a new way—

Or maybe it's the other way around? To look at this prescribed possibility space in a new way?

Decisions, decisions.

Who am I?


I don't have the patience for Mask of the Rose -- it carries many stories within it, ones that take place at the same time, in the same place. One might think the stories overlapping, interweaving. But I can't think of them that way; they are their own stories. They are filed away in their own places.

I want to eat the stories whole but they are spread out across time. How frustrating. Worse than time, they are woven together with distractions... to know this, I must do that. To do that, I must understand something else. These tales. I don't know.