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still life games, haiku games

Started by droqen, May 14, 2024, 07:15:16 PM

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I ought give the system NO REGARD. It was loose supporting structure that I tried to fill rather than... well, rather than what? Make an interaction with your generals without a hard system to back it up? That doesn't sound so bad. I should have simply designed the bridge without the war.


emotion, vision. why still life games, why haiku games? right, because this is war.


"inhabiting someone else's unique artistic vision." i want that. it's rare for me to play a game that draws me in that way these days. how many experiences have i had that creak under the weight of their ssssystems? hm. i will read a bit of game poems again.

something that comes to mind for me, in the meantime, is the question of what is the nature of the container which holds games in it? i have been making websites... websites... these remind me of flash portals, once home to good small games. suppose i am tired of games bearing the brunt of having to support smaller things within them. what would it look like for a larger structure to support the smaller games within it? what is that structure? is it a website?

if there is a format that can buoy a hundred haiku games, let me make that form, whether it is a mainstream videogame, or a website, or a publication, or a patreon, or anything else. this is the battle. i'll start a new thread for this...
