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all things are not playful, but all playful things are

Started by droqen, July 24, 2024, 05:32:37 PM

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it was D & K who showed me the way
though B raised the curtain
and F clambered through
oh and i couldn't have done it without K (2)'s map
or — i could've but i wouldn't have
known to.


G and — what's-his-letter — and S and K (3)
followed K — that's K (1) — in the first place
then all that remained was to follow after A
and before i knew Z it was that time of day


there M, and M (2), and M (3) too
— and M (4) (but we don't talk anymore) —
were all shiny and too faced
the mirror along
with W, X, and U.


so who started it all?
surely not me
nor J, or E,
nor S (whether 1 or 11)

the road that we took
took us all
all the same
the same way
way before
before heaven

or — as I said once —
heaven (2).