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Started by droqen, September 25, 2024, 10:59:08 PM

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oct 21 - was thinking about whether i was tarot-ing too much, and the nature of asking questions...
a couple cards flopped out and i went with them.
the 6 and queen of wands.
pride about success, and individuality - perhaps selfishness.
i was not sure actually what to read about this. it's a confusing reading, but the question was also poorly formed.

oct 22 - august? six of cups -> he did bring up ssp, and other good experiences from the past. interesting. oh and egw... which somehow convinced him that ssp was one of the games he wanted to check out... amazing


DAY 27 (i wrote day 26 in my paper notebook, you can see it above basically)
OCT 22, NOON-ish
I was ruminating on the name change from Ghost Bike to Wheel World, and shuffling the deck, and whispering to myself, "tools..."
Two cards fell out of the deck.
(conscious) KING OF SWORDS (thank goodness it's one ive already drawn haha, now just give me one new one...)
(unconscious) THE EMPRESS (hell yeah)

ok... my reading... the king of swords is the face of the empress...
god damn it is this just describing what tools are to me??? TAROT. HOW DARE YOU.

on the face, tools are the king of swords: an entity, a physical entity, maybe not a person
but as a character they would agree with "you must establish truth by sticking to the facts".

now... the subconscious empress... "fertility, expression, creativity and nurturing"
a reminder to be connected to these things. be kind to yourself. attract life.

tools have a physical form, but beneath that physical form underlies a deep softness. hmm.


day 28, oct 23, bit past noon, library
six of pentacles
goodness, so many pentacles.
the question i had today was... i have many things to focus on, but especially the Polaris report... laying everything out, what am i missing? what could help me focus?


DAY 29, OCT 24, 11 AM
no specific question today :) feeling good.
my go-to default question:
"what am i avoiding thinking about?"
gosh, i saw this card the other day, and i've been thinking i need to draw a sword soon. hi, seven of swords!
this card is like, sneakiness, cleverness, the guy is kind of smug/confident about it.

i wonder if i'm not being sneaky enough.


Large design space problem. (see perhaps the essay as realm. sub-realms)

I am at something like 32-34 cards. (Funny, that's the number of minutes my little frozen pies ask you to bake them in the oven... 32-34. Hm.) I was not sure what problems I would run into, but I am now distinctly encountering, not even halfway through, a fear that I will run out of room for cards which distinguish themselves from another.

It was first the queen of wands who gave me this problem: her colour palette turned out identically to the queen of pentacles'. Since then, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it:

Every card needs its own identity, and there are limited colours.

By the end of this tarot drawing process, will I have exhausted all colour combinations, all compositions, everything? Each card must be its own realm. How many possible realms are there?


i do wonder if there is a general principle to follow... hmm, rules of composition... i could let go of this and just see what happens, i can always fix it later.

the important part is each realm's own realmness.
larger problems of compositional ugliness can be dealt with later.

don't let this problem slow things down. that is key.