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Started by droqen, July 18, 2023, 11:30:42 PM

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I'd like to give a talk at BITBANG
-Animators are cool
-A lot of animation is 3d, which is quite technical, it's a world I'm getting into
-I have a friend in Argentina (a few!)
-Practice giving talks
-I've been invited haha

To figure out:
-Does it make sense for me to do this?
-What should I talk about?


~October 11
Games and animated shorts in the space


animators with unique art styles, familiar with the games industry but not necessarily games, bridge between indie games and indie animators, do indie game devs know about indie animators?, argentina, another language, language gap, south american game dev community, style, narrative, playable animations, [todo: learn about 3d animation], 3d worlds.