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Messages - droqen

DEC 5. stollen

A: it's so fruitcakey.... oooh you're gonna hate it
S: .... eughk. I don't think i like this. In fact, ill say i hate it
S: it's so white people winter spiced.
A: mmmm i like it. im white people pilled ig
Active Projects / Re: TAROT
December 05, 2024, 08:06:31 AM
DAY 68. DEC 5. 8 AM.

looks like i've begun thinking about money again.
money! cash! let the numbers flow through bank
veins, through tubes, through my cyborg soul. is
there a future in which money makes any kind of
sense, or will i simply rely on others' assistance?


this is so close to the advice given by the eight of pentacles--
but subtly different, too- while i'm marginally, borderline cap-
able of pentacle thinking, the page suggests meeting another
person... someone outside of myself? not even someone who
especially powerful at wielding the suit. just one who does it.

(or, the page could be me: money doesn't have to make sense,
i just have to work with it. i need to plan a bit. and work at it.)
DEC 4. Salted Pistachio

S: *happy, pursed lips* Salty! Salty and pistachio.

A: I agree!! So salty! Wow it's SO salty.
Tenets / Re: art should not seek to be interesting
December 04, 2024, 03:55:58 PM
'trying' is not the same as doing
Tenets / Re: art should not seek to be interesting
December 04, 2024, 03:55:32 PM
link to the four agreements — quote about how we learn to 'hook' attention
Tenets / art should not seek to be interesting
December 04, 2024, 03:55:07 PM

Active Projects / Re: TAROT
December 04, 2024, 10:11:03 AM
DAY 67. DEC 4. 10 AM.

am i getting sick? i feel tired today. i'm eager to blame the caffeine.
i need to put my head down and work... not because of yesterday's
card, even, but because there's work to be done! so how do i do it?
how do i make the time i need for the heads-down work? i'm ready.


what in the hell does this guy mean for me?
maybe i'll look at my art again... take it easy.
how important is it to make time for all the
heads-down work? i think we're on a good
path, and it's fine for me to work on all the
stuff when it makes full intuitive sense, not
logical... if i'm tired, i shouldn't work on the
stuff i don't want to work on. pay attention
to my physical and my emotional response.
DEC 3. Almond Croissant

S: *looking around frantically* Tastes like an almond pastry!

A: not chocolatey enough!
Active Projects / Re: TAROT
December 03, 2024, 11:13:46 AM
DAY 66. DEC 3. 11 AM
am i alienating people with all my "kill gameplay" nonsense?
suppose i am, is that a bad thing? how do i proceed, believing
in what i believe and yet still remaining connected to these old
connections? tarot, i would like another answer please & thanks


focused activity. getting things done. the art i made
features a lone craftsperson working on a singular,
gigantic pentacle, while seven others sit, on either
side of it, before and after. i suppose that i am ready
to read this as: shut up and get something done! i'm
amenable to this attitude. if i'm worried about what
my communications are doing, it isn't necessary to
keep doing it. i can put my head down and just work.
(skinner boxes.)
hello game designers. there are, i have heard many times, those who hold the opinion that games are hard to design because it is a "new field" or whatever. but i would like to suggest another possibility:

gameplay itself is one of Jaffe's "cursed problems," a thing that contains its own opposite, a snake swallowing its own poison, dead already.
"You have to give people the tools to resolve those inner forces. That's a living system."
~Taylor Troesh's "The Timeless Way of Software"

... in which Troesh provides a particular description of Christopher Alexander's idea of life and of living systems perfect for my purposes of killing gameplay:

[ A. To play a game is to dwell intentionally in conflicting forces, and to make a videogame is to capture or even create those forces, and withhold the best tools for resolving them.

  B. Gameplay is already by definition dead. ]
Active Projects / Re: TAROT
December 02, 2024, 08:06:48 PM
DAY 65. DEC 2. 8 PM
"who do i ask to help me sell [copies of] this tarot deck?
or how do i go about doing that? help me, tarot!"


does this mean to throw a party?
does it mean to reconnect with a
friend from another decade? ask
them for help? the four of wands
also refers to some completion--
this, at least, i understand unam-
biguously to refer to my finishing
the tarot deck. i wanna do a party!
DEC 2. Mexican hot chocolate

S: I suspect there's some spiced in here. . . . There's something spicy in here! I knew it! Why they do this to hot chocolate??? Don't like.

A: yummy! but not that complicated or deep. Nice chocolate, and spicy. Some spices.