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Messages - droqen


I want to do some kind of interesting UNSEEN system that you have to learn, since I shied away from that yesterday...
Maybe potions/ingredients?
I don't want to make something that relies heavily on telling colours apart.

Day 4. Rock Blaster! Happy with how I imagine this game can be approached by a beginner without feel-bads. I regret the death hole though.


for posterity, the note on my computer:

rock formation.
army formation.
pushing units into formations?

and tho i had the idea of being a 'sculpture-carving wizard' my first idea that i really made any sprites for and gave serious thought to was 'a game where you push an army into shape to see it fight against another army'. but i realized that was more of a system to design and wasn't sure iw as up for the task.
Primordial soup / Re: Polish phase
October 04, 2021, 08:32:57 AM
What's polish? It's what's not needed.. Make sure you communicate everything you need to communicate (main content); then add stuff after that which stands on its own! Prose and descriptions and lore, for example, can be added and nothing relies on them, so this frees them up -- frees the polish up -- to be good for its own sake.
Primordial soup / Polish phase
October 04, 2021, 08:29:10 AM
Prose - I like it in novels because it's the main content

Fluff, polish, whatever - Not the main content, but making the main content better? Supporting it?

Focus and ADHD / Making a new thing every day.
October 04, 2021, 07:56:42 AM
Gametober (Droqtober) is keeping me occupied every day. I'm working on a new little game, conceiving of one and then putting in the work to make it real. And... as much as these games are really tiny things, and feel mostly devoid of artistic value, I've found the practice of doing it every day to be extremely valuable. Who knew, right?

It's not that I know this will lead me to making a new Great Game or anything. This isn't even a 'game quality practice' thing, though I suspect game quality will increase; it's in Focus and ADHD after all.

I'm absolutely certain that I could spend my life making a game every day. This is why I'm in pursuit of this career, and it's nice to remember that! Given time, I'd like to figure out how to fit this sustainable habit (of making a new thing every day) into a process that produces more reliably good works.


The process will likely involve discarding projects. The rate of 'good output' will never reach 100%.

Do I need to be concerned with sharing 'too much' output? What do I want to share? Do I have a brand? Hu-brand-ity
Is it selfish to see our performance as central?

QuoteThe ball and the clubs and the rules of the game[..] the fairways and roughs and greens[..] The golfer's own strength, experience, adeptness, and tactical wherewithal[..] other material conditions that might intersect with the game: the weather, such as the effects of heat on the golfer's stamina or the effects of a prior rain on the ball's ability to rebound from a bounce on the fairway; the time of day and week, and its impact on the crowds on the greens;[..] familiarity[..] novelty[..] the languor or pressure of a particular foursome[..]

^ Many factors which might be brought from ground to figure by the game of golf; that is, things that we may have experienced in tier usual contexts enough for us to stop caring to notice them, which golf might draw a novel attention to.

QuoteA supposedly inferior experience, like the novice golfer at [a difficult course like] Pebble Beach, is only terrible if we are so selfish as to see our performance as central to the encounter with a sublime place like Pebble Beach.

Any or all of these things other than our performance, and of course even more than what is listed, might be central.
It's been nice making little arcadey games. I've really loved making each and every one of them! Also: playing them!

They also all have interesting room to make level design... maybe a new game+ mode where every game gets a new level???

"Haunted Hedge Maze Maker" or just something really on the nose like PAC-HEDGE-TRIMMER or something??? Jeez. Who knows.
Next time try 330 without bottom protection.
Today's Macarons:
- No cream of tartar, but the merengue stiffed up fine
- First tray 7:54
- Second 8:00
- Third (in pieces) 8:08

340 F for 8 minutes
Release steam
330 F for 2 minutes
Release steam
330 F for 2 minutes

340\330\330 was cooked but the batter was fucked?
335/330/330 was sticky bottoms
330/320/320 was sticky bottoms
Recipes & Ingredients / Macarons (the eternal struggle)
October 02, 2021, 06:55:35 PM
Unfinished tileset. Took another 2 (very casual, distracted) hours to get here.

Okay, a very casual, distracted 3-4 hours.